GET HELP NOW: National Human Trafficking Hotline - (888) 373-7888
or text HELP to 233733 For local support call 24hr hotline (800) 439-6507

click on underlined links:
Up to 80% of solicitations in new criminal sex-trafficking cases are through the internet.
Social media is becoming one of the most common places for sex trafficking and exploitation in America.
Visit BLUE CAMPAIGN to See How Law Enforcement Is Helping Survivors!
DHS investigates human trafficking crimes, arrests traffickers, protects victims and provides immigration relief to non-U.S. citizen victims of human trafficking. DHS is committed to helping victims feel stable, safe, and secure through their victim-centered approach to combating human trafficking."
Immigration Relief for Victims of Sex-Trafficking
Some human trafficking victims may not have legal immigration status in the United States and traffickers use that lack of status to instill fear, exploit and control their victims. In turn, victims’ fear of removal can prevent them from reporting the crime or continuing to work with law enforcement after being identified. However, when law enforcement uses the temporary immigration tools that DHS makes available, victims are authorized to remain in the United States, are no longer fearful of removal, and can begin to rebuild their lives. Investigations and prosecutions are then more likely to be successful because victim witnesses will be available and better able to assist.
DHS provides three immigration options in order to encourage victims to come forward and work with law enforcement: Continued Presence (CP), T Visas, and U Visas.”
NETSMARTZ.org has free curriculum for internet safety
Report Sex Trafficking Anonymously and Confidentially
call Local police department – 911
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Homeland Security Investigations Hotline: 1-866-347-2423
National Human Trafficking Resource Center: Call 1-888-373-7888 OR text “Help” to BEFREE (233733)
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children: 1-800-843-5678